
Saturday, April 30, 2011


Abhijit Bhaduri, a XLRI graduate, wrote a book and called it MBA (Mediocre But Arrogant) then came up with the sequel titled, MBA (Married But Available). Both are well written and readable, if you have some experience with XLRI or Jamshedpur, you would even enjoy reading them. 

Since, I am not sure about the second title, if it is true, then the oldest and ancient profession will be wiped out soon. Let me restrict to the first title. 
Today, I do not think that any mediocre student can step into any of the top premier business schools. When the author (Abhijit) studied, it might have been a reality, since it was a primitive era and XLRI was not attracting the number of application as it does today (25 to 30 times more). If a mediocre student gets in to one of the top schools, then it is either by mistake or due to luck or because of some special privilege (all three are one and same).
Notwithstanding the obvious truth of some wise man’s statement, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics”, I am convinced, if not others, “MBA students are bright and focused in life”, and the statistics proves my stand. 
But the second adjective on the title ‘arrogant’ seems to be apparently true. Only issue is that their arrogance is not solid. Scratch a little their arrogance either break into pieces or melts like an ice. To have solid arrogance one needs to have an attitude. Newton wrote the book ‘principles of mathematics in Latin, when asked for the reason, he said, “if it is in English then even fools will try to read my book”. This is called solid arrogance emerges from a solid attitude. The other example is that once a psychologist proclaimed in a seminar that he meets only two types of people: extremely interesting or extremely rich, all others do not exist for him. But in case of MBA students it is just an external show; inside what you find is a vulnerable, fragile, and a confused soul, like any other young citizen of our country.
In fact I like to see solid arrogance among youngsters. Arrogance is the result of high self esteem, conviction and attitude. All these come from inner depth. The problem with this specialized group of young people is lack of depth. Their ability to discuss the range of subjects is marvelous, they can discuss from Anna Hazare to Poonam Pandey, from quantum physics to Wall Street, but if you take the discussion to the next level, they stumble. At times I wonder whether they read books at all or manage with only the abstract. Of course, in the era of information explosion, it is a natural outcome. 
Only few – Peter Drucker, Bertrand Russell, Da Vinci – can master many subjects. But if one has depth in one or two subjects and manageable level in more topics, it will give the necessary attitude to be truly arrogant. If you are not arrogant, something is wrong with you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paper Correction

If the process of teaching is the hubris, then the process of correcting papers is the nemesis.  Answer written by students is the real feedback on the course and the quality of teaching. However glamorous an advertisement may appear, how many people are able to recollect the product alone determines the value of that advertisement. (Let’s forget for time being the issue of purchasing the product)

Examination tests the recall value (for time being let’s forget about its impact on the mind and soul) of the student. Lack of depth, imagination and seriousness displayed by the student clearly reflect the overall conduct of the faculty and students’ attitude towards the subject.

I truly believe in the dictum that there are no bad students but only bad teachers (idea borrowed from Prof.Ramana). Students are basically students, their mind is clouded by the perceived market value of the course (Important in placement process, skills that can be exploited in the job …), and perceived usefulness in their life.

Expecting students to have long term perspective in life is out of question, long term perspective one gets only after living longer in this world, usually it is too late to have long term perspective. Let’s not entertain our minds with wishful thinking.

So at any stretch of imagination one can’t blame students for their energy saving attitude towards studies. They truly study when the subject fits into their short term plan.

Then, whom to blame?  In my opinion the teacher, is responsible for 50% of the disaster, may be the other 50% should be laid on the system? The word ‘system’ is very abstract, we need to decode it and assign the blame on the right party. Hope some can help.

I am writing this post in the middle of correcting ethics answer sheets. At best it is depressing and at worst it activates in me the suicidal tendency

The good news is that sooner than later this dangerous and mind- numbing exercise called evaluation will be over.


Fear of darkness
Created the light.

Fear of loneliness
Created the family.

Fear of living in a society
Created the judiciary

Fear of death
Created the faith in fate.

Fear of unknown
Created gods of all kinds.

Up In the Aire

The movie has the backdrop of downsizing of corporate America. Main character, who prides himself of being alone, makes living by helping corporate to fire people efficiently and gently.

There is a young girl (of present generation), who believes in relationship, and who had made major sacrifices for the sake of relationship, finds herself dumped by her boy friend, yet continue to believe in relationship. But bit confused.

There is a middle aged man (of previous generation, most likely my generation) who gives damn about relationships (blood or water makes no difference), who avoids permanent commitment by all means. He meets a lady who has similar values, and falls in love. Then of course he finds himself kind of cheated because the lady is already married. He falls back to square number one, but bit confused.

What is relationship? Is it an avoidance of being alone? Is it a processes self discovery? Or finding completeness? Or exploring meaningfulness?

Just like life, the film gives no answers.

Life is a mapless territory. Promoted destinations invariably bring in disappointments.

Keep travelling, you may find the goal or you will get used to the journey. Life is a win-win situation, if we do not try hard to complicate it.

As Richard Bhandler points out “suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem”.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Innocent Criminal

Freudian implication is that we are born criminals and we learn to become human beings as we grow up. Society and family play a major role in brain washing in order to make us human beings. This is diametrically opposite view to the common belief that we are born innocent and get corrupted in the process of growing up.

So the question before us is, “whether a new born child is criminal or innocent?”

A hard core criminal too is governed by Id that is the reason he commits crimes. A child too is governed entirely by Id and they do not have any super ego or ego, and that is the reason a child is basically a criminal. But if this is the logic, then all animals should be considered as criminals since they too do not have super ego.

Then what about the second preposition that child is innocent. If ignorance is equal to innocence, then certainly we are all born innocent, if not then we need to investigate little more. If innocence mean guilt-less, then that term cannot be applied to a child, since one needs intelligence to commit sins. And one needs intelligence plus enlightenment to be sin-less. Sin-less means not merely resisting the temptation to eat the apple, but going beyond it, may be to the level of planting tree.

Looks like we are running round the circle, trying to bite our own tail which had disappeared long back in the evolutionary process.

So, what do we conclude?

If you are happy and contended then better believe in what Freudian proclaims that you were once criminal and now redeemed. It will help you to remain humble and simple.

If you are miserable and guilty, then console yourself saying at least you were innocent once upon a time. It may not solve the problem but temporary nostalgia gives some illusory relief.

But as for me, a child is an innocent criminal. Don’t ask me why? How will I know?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

7 Khoon Maaf

It is a psychological thriller. It explores the dark side of female psyche. The film puts forward a progressive message, “Killing is much easier and more convenient than getting divorce". May God help the married!!!

The movie is disturbing, frustrating and above all frightening for the men folk, but for the women it is exciting, enriching and above all empowering.

I recommend the movie to one and all.

If you are happy then go and see this film, your happiness will be evaporated within no time. If you are sad, then also watch the movie, your sorrow will be nothing in comparison to watching the film.

I took 7 days to watch the film, each day I could stand only one husband getting killed.

All men must watch the film, since it's your life that is at stake. All women must see it along with their men; you will be thrilled and surprised seeing fear on the face of your man. If he quarrels with you latter, all you need to do is quote some dialogues from the movie.

If you dislike someone recommend this movie to him, if you positively hate someone then buy the DVD and gift it to him. You can’t think of a better revenge as of now.

After seeing the movie I was happy that I have made the right choice in becoming a priest.

Some reflections on the film:

When expectations are thwarted
Hope gets shattered – and
Betrayal is gifted
Innocence will be poisoned - and
An insatiable monster will come alive.

The basic substance of
Smile and cry
Fear and anger
Love and hate
Misery and merry
Unity and division
Is one and the same.
If one is frozen
The other blossoms with vengeance